One of the most important tips to make this period easier and one that almost everyone gets wrong is actually also a bit of a contradiction. Your life is probably incredibly hectic right now; you need to get used to a new rhythm, your work/ life balance is completely off and as a result you probably have to work twice as hard. Still, this is going to help you get more done and be more positive in this race.

The importance of hard work

Your responsibilities are probably completely different now. More than ever before. Finishing a project with colleagues via Zoom, updating administration, reviewing homework, making schedules for errands, the kids and work, and then you also have the usual distractors like mail, Whatsapp (although really funny jokes do come along), last minute chores and mail and mail.

The best tip I can give you is; work a lot harder than normal. By that I don't mean work more or faster. I mean that when you do something, when you have chosen a project to work on, you have to work even harder at it. Really throw yourself into that completely. Let yourself be distracted as little as possible. Complete focus on that one project or job. That is work hard, believe me.

It is extremely tempting, as soon as you are on your way, to check that incoming message, respond briefly to that e-mail and before you know it you are busy with everything at once. Of course there are plenty of excuses to distract yourself. Of course you can cross all those little chores off your to-do list. But it doesn't help.

In the end, the important issues remain

It's very hard work to stay focused on 1 thing. But, if you can do that, if you can really concentrate, then after 10 to 20 minutes it suddenly goes a lot smoother. Then you even get energy from it. Then you really get into it and the real work goes a lot faster. You get more done, in less time. This is called flow. And the biggest advantage; you also have more fun doing it.

Ticking off little chores is good for little moments of happiness, little shots of dopamine, but they also disappear right away. That's why we refresh our timeline again and again, why we keep opening emails and picking up small chores. In the end, the important things remain.

If you build in a block to work really hard for a while, focusing purely on that one job that really needs to be finished, you'll find that things get easier, the quality goes up and you enjoy it more. Especially if you can finally cross off that big project.

This is also the basis of our #Recharge model. You get more done by clearly defining what you need to do, focusing completely on that, that's what gives you energy. You need that energy to keep your focus and if you can do that, you can get into the flow.


Note: there is a warning! Working in flow also costs you energy. Moreover, in flow you forget everything around you. So don't keep working like this for hours. Believe me. I once sat at Schiphol Airport waiting for my flight to America. I was busy on my laptop with a research project and was totally into it. When I thought I was done, my colleague Eline called. While I was on the line with her, I saw that it was time to walk quietly towards the Gate. I still had 1.5h, but when flying to America you want to be at the Gate on time.

It turned out to be an expensive lesson...

While on the phone with Eline, I suddenly realized that I had forgotten something else in the survey. I hung up on Eline and dove back into my laptop. Since I had worked wonderfully in flow just before, I was right back in. In no time I had gone through the research.

Fully back in flow, I managed to make the necessary improvements. With a satisfied smile on my face, I closed the study. I closed my laptop. Ready to walk toward the Gate, all I saw on the screens, in red: FLIGHT DEPARTED. It turned out to be an expensive lesson...

So avoid making your own proverbial flight fog. Working harder does not mean forgetting the world around you. Work in blocks of 60 to max 90 minutes and then really go do something else. Then focus on your family again or go do nothing for a while. The next session you will then get back into the flow easier. And that will make your work a lot easier! And more fun!

Would you like to get into flow more easily and enjoy your work more? Then join the Recharge Special Edition©. This Recharge is specially designed for the current challenges of working from home and to boost your health!