The Netherlands currently has 65,000 coaches. That is a doubling in the past five years. TV program Rambam published in January the documentary All Holland Coaches in which they surveyed the proliferation and its consequences. This produced some pretty shocking images of coaches who had, shall we say, dangerous practices. Obviously, they choose the most extreme cases for the program, but I can attest from my own experience that it doesn't take too much effort to find them.

A few months ago, I posted a call myself on LinkedIn saying we were looking for experienced coaches. Within no time I had so many responses that I took the post offline. After 5 hours of responding to all the responses, I already didn't look up from the question of whether I have ever stood in the meadow barefoot, because that would be the ultimate solution to stress.

LinkedIn is a breeding ground for the aspiring coach anyway. As an entrepreneur, you do get approached daily by coaches promising to help you dramatically increase your business results or at least make you a top entrepreneur. Often they haven't even run a business themselves or perhaps at most had some luck with an Internet start-up, but they are now taking care of the business capabilities of other entrepreneurs. Thus, even in the business world now warned For the proliferation of self-appointed business coaches.

There is also tremendous diversity in terms of coaching approaches. For example, in the documentary 'Now something is slowly changing' from Menna Laura Meijer divergent, at first glance completely mesmerizing techniques to get the participant(s) to come to insights. From tree climbing, pig massaging, screaming sessions and ayahuaska ceremonies to a lady who lowers your stress levels by grooming you via Youtube, virtually combing your hair and speaking to you affectionately.

A good coach basically doesn't need all those bells and whistles, but it can obviously help the effectiveness of your session. I myself was recently coached on my leadership skills, deep in the jungle of Ghana. The extreme conditions; hot, humid, mosquitoes, physically demanding, no facilities at all and a team of participants who did not yet know each other all contributed to the optimal setting to put our leadership skills to the test. Most important, however, was the professionalism of the coaching team who have years of experience coaching leaders in business and in the military.

Generally speaking, then, you are perfectly capable of deciding for yourself what suits you and what does not. Online you can find legion of lists and tips what to look for when selecting the best coach for the right purpose. In addition, references from friends or colleagues are still a good source of inspiration.

The problem starts only at the moment when you prefer not to talk to others about it anymore. When you need a coach precisely because you can no longer manage by yourself. When the stress gets too high or you develop psychological problems.

Similar to the number of burnouts, the number of specific stress and burnout coaches has also increased in recent years. enormous growth through. There are undoubtedly knowledgeable coaches among them, but if you feel you are really balancing on the edge go for someone with the right certification and reliable credentials.

Someone who will refer you if necessary and who knows the difference between too much stress and depression. Not someone who will give you that depression further prodding. In that case, the self-taught experiencers, who are particularly professional in billing, suddenly become a great danger.