Time to come together again

After a refreshing vacation, it is important to hold on to the positive feeling and limit the relativity around corona.

If you have just returned fully recharged from a vacation at home or abroad, hold on to that positive feeling for a while longer. Try to limit all negativity and uncertainty regarding corona and its effects to the bare essentials.

That negativity is **[paralyzing](https://smallbusiness.chron.com/effects-negativity-workplace-11655.html#:~:text=A negative work environment may,for harassment%2C discrimination or defamation.&text=In the long run%2C it can affect employee productivity and,negative behaviors have similar consequences.)**. Over the past few months we have exhausted ourselves quite a bit with a constant stream of negative information. Every week we get little uplifting updatesespecially about what cannot be done. Followed daily by speculation as to what negative effect this would have on the economy and ourselves has.

Fortunately, Maurice the Dog is now back on LinkedIn after that **banned**was for expressing his, usually thoroughly reasoned, opinion. His suggestion for a more positive press conference wouldn't hurt. At least his approach sounds a lot more motivating and more decisive. And that is something that does benefit all of us.

Invigorated by the summer period, we must now put our shoulders to the wheel to make up the damage where possible. Stop talking about the old and new normal and just get back to work with positive energy.

Indeed, as an employer, you would do well to focus on positivity and a good atmosphere in your team right now. Not so much work happiness, but just overall positivity. Row with the oars you have.

This is not just to liven things up, but is also interesting from a commercial perspective. The Flemish economist and professor at Oxford University, Jan Emmanuel de Neve, did a insightful research To the effect of positivity in the workplace.

This study showed that sales employees who felt happy about themselves had correspondingly higher sales results than those colleagues who felt less happy. This is positive for the employer, of course, but it becomes even more positive for the employee themselves.

Besides the fact that the employees surveyed felt happier and achieved better results (also generally reason for optimism), it did not appear to take them any extra time or effort to achieve those better results.

Thus, positively minded people are more likely to be successful. In addition, positive people report experiencing fewer physical complaints and feeling feel healthier. Something that, in view of the dormant virus, also comes in handy immediately. Case for paying a little more attention to positivity in your team in the coming months.

A simple suggestion. We are social beings. This has been incorporated into our brain since its inception. So instead of spending all day individually behind your monitor; find your colleagues again.

Meet with your team somewhere outdoors. Hold your team meeting walking in the park, on the beach or in the woods. Not only is this better for your brain, it also makes everyone see each other again (live). This has a positive impact on the entire team and the cooperation between them.

According to the study, this therefore leads to better business results and more satisfied employees. And that can all be done just fine on 1 or 1.5 meters distance.