What can Recharge360° mean to you?

More than 100 companies have already empowered their employees with Recharge360°.

Recharge360 Flywheel 11

Measured before participation with a baseline measurement and again after 4 weeks.

What it gave companies


Average result among all Recharge360 participants.

Face 1

(former) Global HR Director

Irene Vernie

''At Rituals, we believe that when our employees invest in their well-being, they are more comfortable in their skin, and that affects their family, friends, children and people they meet on the street. It affects your whole environment.''



Face 2

Randstad experience experts talk about their Recharge experiences

"Very consciously ending your workday", "After the Challenge I started exercising more again", "Very fun to do this with my colleagues",

Watch the video here



Face 3

All participants of Arlande

When Arlande participated in Recharge360, the company achieved an impressive participation rate of a whopping 70%. Employees felt more engaged and motivated, creating an energetic boost throughout the team!

Result 1


The result?

Energetic and engaged employees.

Stronger team, stronger company

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