Vitality as a key to better productivity

In de moderne bedrijfswereld streven organisaties continu naar het verhogen van de productiviteit. Een vaak over het hoofd geziene factor in dit streven is de vitaliteit van medewerkers. Vitaliteit omvat zowel fysieke als mentale gezondheid en is essentieel voor het welzijn en de prestaties van werknemers.

Research shows that healthy and energetic employees are more engaged, productive and sustainable. They leave less absenteeism and contribute to higher profits for the company.

increase productivity
increase productivity

Why vitality directly impacts employee productivity

Investing in employee vitality has direct benefits for the organization. Vital employees have more energy, can concentrate better and are less easily distracted. This leads to increased productivity and lower absenteeism rates.

Daarnaast blijkt dat bedrijven met welzijnsprogramma’s gemiddeld 25% minder ziekteverzuim rapporteren, wat significant bijdraagt aan de continuïteit en efficiëntie van de organisatie.

Practical Tips To increase productivity with a focus on vitality

To increase productivity through vitality, the following strategies can be applied:

Encourage movement
  • Regular exercise reduces stress and promotes well-being. Consider offering corporate fitness or organizing walking meetings.
Create a healthy workplace
  • Provide healthy food options in the cafeteria and ergonomic workstations to prevent physical injuries.
Work on mental fitness
  • Offer mental health support, such as mindfulness sessions or access to a company psychologist.
Invest in good sleep
  • Clearly defined and achievable goals increase employee motivation and engagement.

By implementing these measures, organizations can significantly improve the vitality and thus the productivity of their employees.

Productiviteit berekenen

How to calculate employee productivity

A simple way to calculate productivity is to divide output (the result) by input (time or resources). This helps to understand how efficiently employees work.

Practical example: individual employee

An employee works 40 hours a week and produces 60 reports.


The employee is 150% productive. This means that he produces more work than expected in the time available.

Team example: call center

A team of 5 employees together conducts 1,000 customer calls in 200 hours of work (5 employees × 40 hours per week).


This means that the team averages 5 calls per hour, indicating that they work efficiently.

Productiviteit berekenen 1
Productiviteit berekenen

The role of a performance management solution in improving vitality and productivity

Een performance management solution biedt real-time inzichten in de prestaties en het welzijn van medewerkers. Het helpt bij het identificeren van trends en het tijdig signaleren van mogelijke problemen, zoals verhoogde stressniveaus of verminderde betrokkenheid.

Door gebruik te maken van dergelijke tools kunnen HR-directeuren en COO's strategische beslissingen nemen om zowel de vitaliteit als de productiviteit binnen de organisatie te optimaliseren.

Everything you need to know about productivity

What is the meaning of productivity?
  • Productivity refers to the efficiency with which inputs (such as time, labor and resources) are converted into outputs (products or services).
What do you mean by productivity?
  • It is about the extent to which resources are used effectively to achieve desired results, aiming for maximum output with minimum input.
What falls under productivity?
  • Productivity includes both quantitative aspects (such as the number of units produced) and qualitative aspects (such as quality of work and customer satisfaction).

Investing in employee vitality is essential to increasing productivity and organizational success.

Door te focussen op zowel fysieke als mentale gezondheid, creëren HR-directeuren en COO's een werkomgeving waarin medewerkers kunnen floreren en optimaal presteren.

You know vitality is important.

Now is the time to take action. Strengthen your employee power today. Schedule a free demo with Recharge360 right away.