The Recharge Company and Burn Out Poli launch: KICK OUT BURN OUT

New approach to burnout prevention and recovery

Kick Burn Outs Out of the World**, that is the mission of wellbeing consultant Hidde de Vries and burnout specialist Barbara Kok. With more and more employees struggling with fatigue and feelings of stress, they have joined forces to prevent and cure burnout symptoms with a multidisciplinary approach and an online program. In doing so, they now often focus on millennials, a target group in which burnout is strikingly common. Definitely now.**

"Millennials (born between 1980 and 2000) have sky-high demands on themselves and want everything out of life," says Barbara Kok, who has more than 13 years of experience as a burnout specialist. "That's a lot more complicated at the moment. I regularly see young people in our practice who are in danger of getting stuck because of this. As a burnout specialist, we use a holistic method that appeals to this target group. That means: finding the right balance between effort and relaxation, body and mind, heart and soul."

It's all about well-being, feeling good about yourself

The approach of Hidde de Vries, owner of The Recharge Company, fits this perfectly. He specializes in the well-being of teams in which many millennials work. The tech industry, for example, but also Rituals, Defense and YoungCapital. All companies where this is a very hot topic. Hidde explains, "More and more organizations are focusing on the well-being of their staff. Physically, but also mentally and emotionally. This has now become even more topical because of the amount of working from home that we do."

To ensure that people feel good about themselves again, he developed, among other things, the online program #Recharge, in which you regain plenty of energy and focus, including a 5-day-challenge, supported by a specially developed app.

Addressing burnout

Hidde explains, "As far as we are concerned, the best approach to burnout symptoms involves several elements. From a nutrition and exercise plan to psychological support. Also, our #Recharge app which includes coaching really removes an obstacle for people. By joining forces, we are now the perfect partner in preventive and curative solutions."

Specifically, "We offer online and offline programs for businesses aimed at getting the body and mind back in tune get. Employees who are already struggling with burnout symptoms, we guide them through a 12-week recovery burnout program, with integral treatment on mental, emotional and physical symptoms."


Kick Out Burn Out is a collaboration between burnout specialist Barbara Kok of Burn Out Poli and Hidde de Vries, founder of The Recharge Company, columnist at RTL Z and also author of the book Recharge. Where Barbara focuses with her company, Burn Out Poli, for 13 years focusing on successful recovery and reintegration from burnout, revolves around The Recharge Company primarily about personal development and physical, emotional and mental resilience. By joining forces, they can offer companies an expert and multidisciplinary solution, with customized online and offline programs and targeted coaching.