It will not have escaped your notice that Finnish Premier Sanna Marin has been under quite a bit of fire lately. Several videos of her dancing and partying have ended up on social media. Not everyone can appreciate that equally.

Although we have all just returned from a hopefully relaxing vacation, an exciting period lies ahead. Not exactly a reason for dancing for many either. This, then, is one of the biggest reproaches levied at Premier Marin: How can you dance when we are in such a challenging time? And that while the Finns are still a lot better off at the moment than we are in the Netherlands.

Recession lurks and the influence of war creates much unrest. Inflation has never been higher. Thanks to the increasing workload, combined with hybrid working, we are a lot less social become more common in the workplace. The essential connection between colleagues is diminishing and with it the loyalty to the employer.

Yet it is wise not to get bogged down in victimhood. Indeed, it is during such periods that the very new heroes. It just takes perseverance and mental resilience. Resilience is about getting up after you've fallen. Withstanding stress and adversity.

Therefore, there is no company today that does not want to increase the mental resilience of its staff. In the ever faster changing society, resilience is essential to keep up and improve yourself all the time. And that goes a lot better when you are positive in the game. Because negativity attracts negativity. At some point you only see the bad things and then it becomes a particularly tough race. One that you're probably not going to win.

Moreover, that positive attitude actually helps your mental resilience. If you can laugh at yourself when you fall, you also get up more easily. If, like Premier Marin, you occasionally go out with friends, have fun, dance, sing, go crazy, it has a tremendously positive effect on your well-being.

Among other things, the connection with others ensures the production of oxytocin, the cuddle hormone in our brain, which makes us happier, but also more resistant to stress. It makes us feel more comfortable in our own skin, more daring and better able to perform. Moreover, positive settings make for a more creative mind. Unfortunately, in business, we are less and less concerned with maintaining that positive attitude, and thus our resilience is also declining.

Fortunately, there are also Finns who fully support their Premier. In a statement of support to their 'World's Coolest Premier' Finnish celebrities and politicians have recorded and shared their own dancing skills. I am sure that with each new video Premier Marin gets another little smile on her face. And thereby increasing her resilience each time to stand up to the downside, that these private matters have become public.

In other words, we might all be allowed to dance a little more. Even, especially, when the going gets tough. It would therefore not surprise me at all if our Prime Minister also occasionally danced a dance. Although that remains behind closed doors for now.