After near bankruptcy and personal burnout, Hidde de Vries started The Recharge Company to improve work performance and well-being.

Learn to work smarter with 5 immediately applicable tips to save time and energy for a more productive lifestyle.

Hidde experienced burnout symptoms, discovered mindfulness in India and created the Recharge Program to share his experience.

Recharge360 offers the lowest price guarantee for complete wellbeing solutions so everyone can work smarter and live healthier.

Support corona initiatives: write letters, donate blood, buy gift cards, help with groceries, or volunteer.

Become the best, most vital version of yourself with the help of Recharge360.

KICK OUT BURN OUT: New approach to burnout prevention and recovery, targeting millennials, by Burn Out Poli and The Recharge Company.

The DE&I round table at Recharge360 in October 2023 highlighted the importance of diversity and inclusion for vitality.

Hydration is crucial, coffee moderate. Water transports nutrients, coffee can be addictive and disturb sleep.

Define your future state: clear purpose and why lead to better choices and success, both individually and in teams.

Discover how energy and mindset affect your performance with the Energy Mindset Quadrant from "Work Smart Play Smart.

In the Spanish mountains, we learned about team building, letting go of comfort and being offline for relaxation and awareness.