Digital Detox

The training offers insight and tips for a healthier digital balance related to digital detox.

About the Digital Detox training course

Yes, yes ... I'll take it off in a minute. We've all heard of digital detox and many of us may have tried to apply it. But honestly, how often do we manage to truly detach from our digital devices? Are there any statistics yet that give us insight into its effectiveness? And is it really as beneficial as people claim? Richard Wolfe, former gaming addict from the 1980s, Internet fanatic in the 1990s and phone addict since the advent of Nokia's Snake, offers an overview of the facts and figures surrounding digital detox. He shares practical recommendations and critiques the challenges of reducing screen dependence.

Are you ready to take on the challenge and put your digital habits under the microscope? Contact us today for more information and find out how you can find a healthier balance in your digital life.